Ways to improve your child's wellness

Are you a new parent or a to-be parent and are feeling a little unprepared for the new life to come? Or are you a parent for quite some time, but do feel stuck sometimes trying to make certain decisions for your kid? If the answer to any of these questions is a yes, then this article is for you. The article focuses on areas that you as a parent should be aware of to ensure your child's wellness.

Physical growth has always been the focus of a child's development as it is the most vital factor of the child’s growth. Thus, nutrition at this stage is of utmost importance. Usually, the calories required are taken by infants and even pre-schoolers. Allowing them to consume as much as they like and not being forced to eat more is just fine. Children should always be allowed to explore their options and choose their preferences. As long as the overall diet is balanced and adequate, it shouldn't be a problem. Now the question that might arise is how do we let a 2-3-year-old decide for themselves? The answer is you provide them with whatever options you have and let the child choose for themselves. For instance, if you have khichdi, banana mash, and cereal milk, put one spoon of each in the child's mouth and see how the child is responding to each mouthful. Accordingly, you as a parent are required to understand their response and continue with the food item the child liked the most. And please, don't punish your child for not eating. This might develop negative associations with that particular food item and might detest it for the rest of their lives. Thus, physical wellness requires good food as these are the years of growth for the child with the highest amount of physical activity.

Nutritional intake is also related to the cognitive development of the infant/child. The brain is that organ of the body that develops from birth to age 5, more and more rapidly than at any other time in life. Since the brain is responsible for learning, memorization, attention, and concentration. The maximum food your child eats goes to support this process. It is also during these initial stages of infancy and childhood that brain development takes place with increased interconnections between the neurons, allowing for more advanced cognitive functions to take place. How does this relate to food intake? It is because research has found that children who are malnourished often find delays in brain development that affect levels of cognitive function .

Next comes the not-so-observed aspect of children- their emotions. Often parents or the adults in the child's life commit the mistake of perceiving their cries and sulking as excuses to not do something. I know sometimes, the kid is too smart and they are trying to get something out of those cries. But what we as adults do is not recognize when the child is being dramatic and when the child is genuinely trying to tell you something. Emotions always have a reason for them and as parents, it is our duty to identify them because the child is still not mature enough to do it themselves. And believing in them is the first thing that we should do.

Thus, being aware of the child's activities and how the child reacts to people around them should help us in maintaining their wellness. However, this doesn't mean that we continue to assume. And the earlier it begins, the better emotionally intelligent the child will be.

The relationship that the child shares with you as well as with other members of their life is also crucial for their wellness. Let's first talk about the attachment that they share with you as a parent. Theoretically, there are 3 types of attachment Styles your child can share with you: secure attachment style, avoidant attachment style, and ambivalent attachment style. This form of attachment usually takes place during the first two years of the child's development and usually, mothers are the source of this emotional bond. As it might be obvious, the secured attachment style is the one that is most preferred, which is characterized by a feeling of safety and security, an eagerness to learn, and healthy self-awareness.

But how to develop it? Activities like playing, laughing, sleeping, eating, provide you with the opportunity to develop a bond with your child which also subsequently lets the child know that you are there whenever they need you, reinforcing the feeling of safety. However, a point of remembrance here is, don't forget to include your partner in the process. Both parents are equally important for this attachment to develop.

Another form of social development that is required for the child's wellness is the kind of friendship they develop. Here is when the child explores themselves as an individual and the kind of friendship they form to become a part of their identity. Thus, it is important as a parent to allow them the space to try and experience different kinds of friendships with their peers. Thus, make sure you encourage your child to develop those meaningful relationships from the beginning.

So, here are some key suggestions on our part to keep children healthy:

  1. Have regular talks with your child to understand what they are thinking. This will be difficult initially, but support them in verbalizing their thoughts.
  2. Whenever the child is upset, take that extra effort to understand the reason.
  3. When the child comes to you for their needs, stop whatever you are doing and give 100% attention to them.
  4. Take time out of your busy schedules to play with them.
  5. Have a journal to jot down some patterns you are observing.
  6. Be sure to include a balanced diet of the child's choice.
  7. Your child's wellness depends on your wellness, at least for the initial few years of their lives, and therefore start inculcating those habits and behaviors right from the beginning!