Things You Can Do To Help Children To Overcome Fear.

Why exactly fear affect us? Human fear is a primal, natural, and powerful human emotion. The list of things they fear tends to grow, as a child learns more about the world. Some concerns are real, while others are imagined. Fear of the dark, burglary, war, death, parental separation or divorce, and otherworldly beings are all common fears (such as ghosts and monsters).
No parent likes to see their child uncomfortable but knowing how to react when your child is nervous or afraid can be difficult.
The following are some fear-busting strategies you can try with your kids.

Do Be There :

Many children will be calmed by your presence. Carry them in your arms or on your lap. Even holding their hand can help them feel more secure and at ease.

Do Not Get Too Involved In The Situation :

Your child will not be able to solve difficulties or discover coping mechanisms on their own if you tell them exactly what to do or even say in stressful and hard situations. This is not to say they will not need assistance in the future, but you should give them a chance to handle their own problems before assisting them.

Make A Move :

Physical activity might help you relax when you are under a lot of pressure. Running, cartwheeling, or playing a game that requires gross motor motions can help children forget about their worries or fears.

Do not Stay Away from Activities :

When children avoid circumstances that make them fearful or uncomfortable on a regular basis, their worries never go away. Try introducing them to activities that make them nervous one at a time. You do not want to put too much pressure on them right once because conquering a fear can take time. Set up a playdate at home, for example, if your child struggles to play with other children at school. This will allow them to focus on becoming comfortable around one child before being friends with their peers. You can reduce their fear and equip them to cope on their own as they get older by gradually assisting them in adapting.

Do Not Be Afraid To Express Yourself :

It is critical, especially for children, to have the ability to articulate their feelings. Allow them some one-on-one time and listen to them without criticising or dismissing their fears. Because they can better listen to you when they are calm, this is the perfect moment to talk it out with them.

Do not Excessively Reassure :

Telling your child that "all will be fine" may reinforce that there is anything to be concerned about. While resisting the need to comfort your youngster that everything will be fine is difficult, it may be the best option eventually.

Allow Them To Express Themselves, Even If They Cannot Explain Their Concerns :

There are many ways to start the conversation if your child is having problems expressing why they are nervous. Ask them to create a picture or use a doll, puppet, or stuffed animal to play out what they fear.

Do Not Be Irritable

It might be difficult and stressful for parents to not know how to help, but do not let your emotions show. Your youngster is aware of your emotions. Explicitly expressing your feelings may make your child feel like they have offended you, increase their anxiety, and make communication more difficult. Make your youngster feel calmer, try to provide an example of how to react quietly.

Empathize With Others.

Even if you think what they are afraid of is ridiculous, it is crucial to show your child that you understand. Even if they do not have anything to be afraid of, the emotions they are experiencing are quite real.

Show Others How To Do Things

Do you have self-doubt? You are terrified of heights or hate crowds... 'Showing' your child how to overcome their fear is sometimes the most effective approach to teach them.
Set a good example for your child by putting yourself in circumstances where he or she can see you calmly and successfully navigating your concerns... They can do it if Mum and Dad did it!

Do Not Wait Until They Are Completely Anxiety-free Before Rewarding Their Good Behaviour.

Encourage and congratulate modest achievements. It is something to be proud of if they are brave enough to face things, they are afraid of or nervous about.

Respond To Their Inquiries

Although most childhood concerns are founded on fictitious or exaggerated perceptions, your child's fears are very real to him or her. Discuss their anxieties with them and try to understand where they are coming from.

Encourage your child to ask you any questions he or she wants and do your best to respond in a polite and age-appropriate manner. If you do not know all the answers, go to the library, or look them up online.

Dismissing or ridiculing your child's anxieties will accomplish nothing positive. If you be little or ignore your child, they may internalise their fear rather than confront it, and you may lose their trust.

Calm Down

Witnessing a child in distress is never a pleasant experience for a parent, and parents may feel helpless in the face of it at times.
Anger or humour in your response will always cause your child more distress. A faster resolution can be achieved by remaining calm and consistent.
When your child feels afraid, he or she is unable to reason about the situation. Simply be there to calm and soothe.

Small Steps

You can help your youngster overcome their fear by gradually increasing their exposure to it with time and practise. This is something you can do with your child's help.
If he is terrified of the bath, for example, start with a little amount of water and gradually increase the amount. Pour a little on his hands with a jug, then a little on the back of his neck with a jug. Continue to take tiny measures until he is at ease and confident.

Wait Patiently

Do not push your child to face their concerns before he or she is ready. Remember that, while your fear may be completely unfathomable to you, it is very real to others. Instead, be patient and compassionate, and allow them to face their concerns at their own speed.

However, you do not want to wallow in the anxiety to the point of validating it into something more concrete. Instead, calmly, and soothingly counsel them through the emotion they are experiencing.