A Shy Kid Can Be Confident Too

Children are full of surprises, they may chat incessantly when at home, but behave very differently once out of their comfort zone much to parent’s surprise. Shyness during childhood is uncommon, although parents can do many a thing to encourage little ones to face the world with confidence.

“Why fit in, you were born to stand out” Dr. Suess. It is very important that the children are encouraged to have positive self-esteem. Children who feel good about themselves are more confident and are more receptive to the changes in the day-to-day life.

Tips to help child gain confidence:

  1. Do not interrupt or intervene: If you see your child in a situation where he is struggling to make friends. It is very tempting to interrupt and suggest ways to handle the situation. But the child will lose out an opportunity to learn an important life-skill lesson “Frustration Tolerance” needed beyond school and home.
  2. Give the child confidence with your presence: If the child has to be left alone in the company of his friends without you. Stay around for a while without disrupting the situation, just to give the child some confidence, but leave as soon as possible once the child is comfortable and on its own.
  3. Counsel them beforehand: Suppose the child has been invited for a play date, prepare him for the situation well in advance. Tell him how he is going to have some me-time with his friend. Guide him so as to how he is supposed to behave and handle things on his own.
  4. Set realistic goals: Never expect your child to do anything that you would not do. Be warm and polite to people when you meet and speak, because children emulate behaviour and gestures. If you hesitate to initiate a conversation with strangers or shy away from such situations, do not expect your child to do so. Be a role model yourself.
  5. Do not introduce too many changes: Introduce one or two changes at a time, do not confuse the child. If your child gets uncomfortable in a crowd. Have a one-on-one date planned and when the child is comfortable with that friend of his or her, have one more friend of his come over next time.
  6. Share experiences: Tell them everyone feels shy at the outset, you too have felt that way at couple of occasions and how you had tried to overcome it.
  7. Unconditional love: It is very important that the children feel secure and safe. It gives them sense of security and belonging which is important for them to know their self-worth. Do not force the child and if you strongly believe that your child may not be the outspoken or outgoing person in the world. It is alright and let the child know the same.
  8. Children to be treated with respect: It is very important that as an adult you value your words and choose them wisely with the children. What a child hear about themselves is what a child perceives himself to be. It has a lasting impact on the child and harms his self-esteem in a big way. Parents who are authoritarian or overprotective can cause their children to be shy.

As an adult, we are required to correct them, guide them, but we are expected to do it with patience without causing undue damage to their self-esteem. Lot of parents have guided their children to overcome shyness and gain confidence or positive self-esteem by following effective parenting techniques.

At Lexicon Kids, we strongly believe that each child is different but blessed with unique abilities or skills which is nurtured time and again so that they become the best part of themselves. Children are encouraged to believe in themselves and put in considerable efforts making them confident and ready to face challenges in life with success.